Web Page, image file, or pdf
Page numbers
in the original
CPD Events with Caroline Bowen Ph D |
2 |
CPD Information for Potential Hosts |
2 |
CPD Resources |
2 |
Resources Index |
2 |
Theory to Intervention Hierarchy |
3 |
Speech Umbrella pdf |
4 |
Core Speech Assessment Battery |
7 |
Quick Screener Slide Show, Data Collection, Phonological Analysis |
-- |
Pigs in Hiding (video) | Pigs in Hiding (book) |
-- |
Carl Goes to Daycare Amazon |
-- |
Nerdy Book Club's Top 10 Wordless Picture Books |
-- |
-- |
Treatment Principles Phonological Disorder and CAS |
9 |
Stimulability Assessment Form |
10 |
Debbie's 10 Clinically Useful Words BW 1p | BW 3pp | Colour 2pp |
-- |
Stimulability Therapy |
11 |
Auditory Input Therapy | Naturalistic Intervention | Thematic Play |
11 |
Articulation Therapy | Phonetic Intervention |
11 |
Slide Show about Articulation Therapy | Phonetic Intervention |
11 |
Smart Chute |
-- |
Metalinguistic Cues |
12 |
Speech Sounds on Cue Australia |
-- |
Speech Sounds for Kids App |
-- |
Perceptual Therapy |
12 |
Locke Speech Perception - Production Task Record Form |
13 |
Slide Show re Constructing & Administering the Locke Task |
14 |
Information for Families: Elimination of Phonological Processes |
-- |
Four Minimal Pair Interventions |
15-18 |
Core Vocabulary Therapy |
19 |
Timothy's Core Vocabulary words |
19 |
Parents & Children Together (PACT) PUBLICATIONS |
20 |
Parents & Children Together (PACT) THEORY & EVIDENCE |
20 |
Parents & Children Together (PACT) IMPLEMENTATION |
20 |
Parents & Children Together (PACT) THERAPY FOR JOSIE |
20 |
Worksheets: Revisions & Repairs and the Fixed-up-One Routine |
20 |
Patterns / Cycles Therapy |
-- |
Phoneme Awareness Therapy |
-- |
Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing, and Integral Stimulation |
20 |
Traditional and Newer Target Selection Criteria |
16-27 |
Worksheets: Complexity; Word Properties, Markedness, SSP, etc. |
19 |
Stimulability Intervention |
25 |
Place-Voice-Manner Chart |
-- |
Maximally Opposed | Near-maximally Opposed Words & Pictures |
26-27 |
Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP) |
28 |
Pictures/words for clusters with sonority difference scores of 2, 3, 4 |
29 |
Jennifer Taps Clusters App | Cluster Cards |
29 |
PW12 Clusters: Alliterative Stories & Activities for Phonological Tx |
29 |
High Frequency Words as Treatment Targets |
31 |
High frequency /s/ words |
31 |
Low Neighbourhood Density Words as Targets |
32 |
Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives with Low Neighbourhood Density (<11) |
32 |
Low density /dʒ/ words and pictures |
32 |
Phonotactic Therapy |
33-38 |
Pictures and words: Final fricatives with short vowels (Info) |
-- |
Pictures and words: Final velars with short vowels (Info) |
-- |
Pictures and words: Final voiceless stops with short vowels (Info) |
-- |
Favoured final consonants (Info) |
-- |
'Palindrome Words' |
-- |
Alveolars with high front vowels (Info) |
-- |
Spotty Snap (Info) |
-- |
Trochaic sequences #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 (Info) |
-- |
Long words |
-- |
Butterfly Position / Butterfly Procedure for lateral/palatal fricatives |
-- |
Controversial Practices - Article |
39-40 |
Controversial Practices - Articles, References, Abstracts |
-- |
Controversial Practices - Slide Show |
-- |
References |
41-45 |
PW12 |
45-50 |
Worksheets on page 38 of the 2016 'Sound Reasoning' handout
Chaining to 'force' /s/ into the word initial position: messy-sea, fussy-sea, etc. |
Chaining to 'force' /f/ into the word inital position: coffee-Fi, toffee-Fi, etc. |
Chaining to 'force' /k/ into the word initial position: monkey-key, etc.,and walking-king, etc. |
Working from 'key' to produce words with initial /k/: key-Keith, key-keep, etc. |
/h/ SIWI #1 | /h/ SIWI #2 |
Aspiration trick for stop insertion: for /f/, and for /s/, and for /ʃ/ |
Aspiration trick for pre-vocalic voicing of /p/ and /t/, and /k/ |
Aspiration trick for the voiceless affricate (e.g., chin produced as tin) |
Eliciting /ʃ/ s-you-shoe, etc. |
Chaining to 'force' /n/ into the word initial; position: honey-knee; money-knee, etc. |
Working from 'la' to produce 'la-words': la-la-llama-llama, la-la-laugh-laugh |
Eliciting /tʃ/: got-you (gotchew); got-ya (gotcha) #1 |
Eliciting /tʃ/: #2 wet-sheep-cheep, and #3, and #4 |
Eliciting /tʃ/: t-you-chew, etc. |
Eliciting /r/: The Treasure Trick (Information and pictures) |
Eliciting /r/: Using linking-r: her-ice, her-eyes, her-rose, etc. |
Eliciting /j/: Eeyore |
Successive Approximations (scroll to the foot of the page) |
Modelling and Recasting slideshows (3) |
Revisions and Repairs (the Fixed-up-one Routine) |
Vowels in words and Vowel minimal pairs |
Minimal Pair word lists #1 |
Minimal Pair word lists #2 and all English consonants word initially where applicable |
Red Flags for Speech Impairment |
Communicative Temptations |
Glossary |
Multilingual Children's Speech |