@WeSpeechies #WeSpeechies RoCur on Twitter: ABOUT
- Details
- Created: Wednesday, 05 March 2014 11:12
- Updated on Sunday, 01 November 2020 16:01
The Twitter handle @WeSpeechies, and the associated hashtag #WeSpeechies, were founded on March 5, 2014 by Caroline Bowen @speechwoman and Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley, both of whom are Australian Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs). The handle provides a curated meeting point, on Twitter, for SLPs, Speech & Language Therapists (SLTs) and SLP/SLT students to promote international professional communication. Its purpose is to facilitate mutual support, helpful connections, sharing of peer reviewed articles and relevant links to websites and blog posts, and opportunities for professional encouragement colleague-to-colleague worldwide, in all areas of practice.
Special #COVID19 and Clinical Placements Event for #WeSpeechies, #SLP2B and #SLT2B
@WeSpeechies Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley : Bio | Slideshare
#WeSpeechies Chat #131 Tues 3 November, 2020 8:00 pm AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)
Read about the topic here:
Shoring Up Our Profession During #COVID19—
How have #SLP2B, #SLT2B and @WeSpeechies Experienced Clinical Placements in a Pandemic?
SLPs, SLTs, SLP2B, #SLPeeps: @WeSpeechies is Crowdsourcing
Responding to the #COVID19 (coronavirus) pandemic, @WeSpeechies is running a special Twitter project with the help of colleagues worldwide. We aim to CROWDSOURCE* INFORMATION and IDEAS and provide a platform where Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) / Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) and the student (SLP2B SLT2B) community can:
- provide mutual support—emotional and practical;
- learn more about telepractice and connecting via video calls;
- assist those new to doing intervention activities, etc. online;
- discuss barriers and facilitators and technical issues;
- explore and troubleshoot service-delivery concerns;
- celebrate good-news stories;
- share information in client-friendly / reader-friendly formats;
- help to keep everyone’s focus on ethical, E3BP.
Follow @WeSpeechies (https://twitter.com/wespeechies), tweet your contributions with the #WeSpeechies hashtag (it’s not case-sensitive) and let’s see if we can develop a useful database and have fun at the same time. If you are not already in Twitter, you can sign up: HERE.
CROWDSOURCING* is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services, including ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly evolving group of internet users; it divides work between participants to achieve a cumulative result. Wikipedia
Scroll down to the 2014 -to- 2017 calendar to see who curated, and their topics.
#WeSpeechies Seeks (experienced tweeter) volunteers to curate for a week. Please DM @BronwynHemsley and/or @SpeechWoman with your expression of interest. Available weeks are listed in red on the calendar below.
@WeSpeechies Free Access articles | Info for #RoCurs re choosing articles | #WeSpeechies CHATS | Webwords 51
#WeSpeechies Curators and Chats March 2014 -to- November 2017
Chat Guidelines
Help #WeSpeechies’ Tuesday Chats work for everyone, including you
- Follow the @WeSpeechies handle.
- If you intend to Tweet more than a handful of times, let your followers know that you may be sending multiple tweets. That way they can ‘ignore you’ temporarily if the chat topic is not interesting for them.
During a Tuesday chat, add the hashtag (tag) #WeSpeechies to all your Tweets so that they can be aggregated. This means:
- everyone following the tag will see your contributions; and
- when the chat transcript is generated there will be fewer confusing gaps in the interactions.
- If your Tweets are protected (i.e., if you have a padlock on your handle), people who are not your followers will not be able to see your contributions to the chat. Please turn this protection off if you plan to Tweet into a #WeSpeechies chat. There are instructions for turning protection on and off here.
- Note that if you wish to, while a chat is in progress, you can engage in ‘side chats’ without the #WeSpeechies tag. You can review other conversations later. Side chats are not considered to be bad form!
- The @WeSpeechies administrators find TweetDeck makes it easier to participate in #WeSpeechies chats. Try it before the chat is due to start.
- Moderators: Do not schedule Tweets from the @WeSpeechies handle!
Rotation curation (#RoCur)
The the term 'rotation curation' means that the 'Curator' role rotates. In the case of the @WeSpeechies handle it rotates weekly, Sunday to Saturday, between clinicians and academics who are expert in their respective SLP/SLT fields, as well as @WeSpeechies followers who do not necessarily see themselves as 'experts' but who have interesting things to say and positive contributions to make. Not all Curators are SLPs/SLTs.
Volunteer to curate for a week, and moderate a chat
Please let @speechwoman or @bronwynhemsley know via Direct Message (DM in Twitter) if you are interested in taking a turn in the role of Curator. This involves administering the @WeSpeechies handle for one week (Sunday to Saturday), focusing on a topic within your area(s) of expertise or interest.
You would also moderate a twitter chat on the Tuesday in your week, from 8:00pm to 9:00pm in your time zone, or at another time that suits you, using the #wespeechies hashtag. For example, you might decide to run your chat from 8:00pm-9:00pm Tuesday, or 8:00am-9:00am Tuesday, in your time zone. Alternatively, you might be a located in a British time zone but decide to run the chat at 8:00-9:00pm Tuesday in a US time zone. As long as the chat happens while it is a Tuesday somewhere in the world, that's fine! It is all part of @WeSpeechies connecting and engaging internationally across time zones.
Please note that co-moderating chats, and co-curating a week is not permitterd. This means that only one person, other than the two administrators can take the handle (accessed via a unique password) at any given time.
A Curator is not there to 'educate and teach' others, but rather to engage and connect with others in professional discussion around a topics of mutual interest.
Twitterchats are themed, non-linear, fast-paced conversations using Twitter. Participants discuss ideas and ask and answer questions about a given topic. You do not need to be a 'Twitter expert' in order to curate, but it is sensible to participate in some chats before moderating one! The hour goes quickly and it can be hectic for the moderator. One or both administrators will be available to help, if you wish.
Chat topics
Topic areas of interest will include AAC, academic issues, aphasia, apraxia of speech, childhood apraxia of speech, children's speech sound disorders, conferences and meetings, clinical education, controversial practices, counselling and SLP/SLT, craniofacial differences, critical care pathways, doctoral studies in SLP/SLT, dysphagia, EBP, e-health solutions, ethics, fluency, engaging SLP/SLT students in Twitter and why, hearing impairment, humanitarian outreach in SLP/SLT, ICP2014, implementing change in your practice, independent/private practice in SLP/SLT, intellectual disability, interprofessional communication, language disorders, lifelong learning, literacy, motor speech disorders, multilingual matters, novel service delivery options, professional issues, RTI, research, social communication (pragmatics), social media for professional purposes, solo practice, stuttering/stammering, TBI, teamwork, voice, the student experience, working with nonverbal children, writing for professional purposes, and more.
Chat Analytics and Transcripts from Symplur
ANALYTICS and TRANSCRIPTS expire after 6 months
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on ...
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on November 14 (1:00-2:00pm CST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 31 (7:00-8:00pm AEST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 24 (8:00-9:00pm CDT) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 17 (9:00-10:00pm AEST) | Transcript
Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 10 (10:00-11:00am BST). #ResNetSLT | Transcript
Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 10 (8:00-9:00pm AEDT). #WeSpeechies | Transcript - Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on September 19 (10:00am-11:00am BST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 22 2017 (8:00-9:00pm BST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 15 2017 (3:00-4:00pm AWST | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 8 2017 (8:00-9:00pm AEST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on July 11 2017 (6:30-7:30pm ACST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on July 4 2017 (9:00-10:00pm BST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on June 27 2017 (8:00pm EDT) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on June 13 2017 (7:00pm EDT) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on June 6 2017 (8:00pm AEST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on May 23 2017 (8:00pm AEST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on May 9 2017 (8:00pm AEST) | Transcript | STORIFY
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on May 1 2017 (9:00pm CDT) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on April 25 2017 (9:00pm BST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on April 18 2017 (9:00am BST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on April 4 2017 (8:00pm AEST) | Transcript
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on March 28 2017 (7:00pm ACDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on March 21 2017 (8:00pm AEDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on March 14 2017 (8:30pm GMT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on March 7 2017 (8:00 pm AEDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on February 28 2017 (7:00 pm AEDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on February 21 2017 (7:00 pm AEDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on February 14 2017 (8:00 pm AEDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on February 7 2017 (8:00pm AEDT)
ANALYTICS and TRANSCRIPTS expire after 6 months
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on November 22 2016 (9:00am GMT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on October 11 2016 (8:30pm ACST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on September 20 2016 (9:00pm BST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 30 2016 (7:00pm AEST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 23 2016 (8:00pm AEST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 9 2016 (8:00pm AEST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on August 2 2016 (3:00pm EDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on July 26 2016 (8:00pm EDT)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #93 on July 12 2016 (8:00pm AEST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #92 on June 21 2016 (2:30pm AWST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #91 on June 14 2016 (4:00pm AWST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #90 on June 7 2016 (9:00am BST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #89 on May 10 2016 (9:00pm NZST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #88 on May 3 2016 (8:00am BST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #87 on April 26 2016 (8:00pm BST)
- Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat #86 on Monday April 18 2016 (8:00pm EDT)
- #WeSpeechies Week March 20-26 2016, Curators Bronwyn Hemsley and Caroline Bowen
- #WeSpeechies Chat #85 on March 15 2016, Curator Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #84 March 8 2016, Curator Alexander O'Sullivan @os_alexo
- #WeSpeechies Chat #83 March 1 2016, Curator: Charlotte Forwood @TalkingEd19
- #WeSpeechies Chat #82 February 23 2016, Curator: Nathaniel Swain @NathanielRSwain
- #WeSpeechies Chat #81 February 16 2016, Chat Moderator: Melanie Gibson @Speech_Blossoms
- #WeSpeechies Chat #80 February 9 2016, Curator: Gaenor Dixon @SPAPresident
ANALYTICS and TRANSCRIPTS expire after 6 months
- #WeSpeechies Chat #79 on December 8 2015 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley | Transcript
- #WeSpeechies Supported #SLP2B Chat (Chat #78) Curators: Bronwyn Hemsley, Caroline Bowen and Melanie Gibson | Transcript
- #WeSpeechies Chat #77 on November 17 2015 Curator: Chris E Lightfoot @ChrisELightfoot
- #WeSpeechies Chat #76 on November 3 2015 Curator: Thomas W Sather @TomSatherSLP
- #WeSpeechies Chat #75 on October 27 2015 Curator: David Kinnane @speechbloke
- #WeSpeechies Chat #74 on October 20 2015 Curator: Joy Penard @JoyPenard
- #WeSpeechies Chat #73 on October 6 2015 Curator: Emma McLaughlin @EmmaMcLTU
- #WeSpeechies Chat #72 on September 29 2015 Curator: Megan Panatier @meganpanatier
- #WeSpeechies Chat #71 on September 22 2015 Curator: Adrian Bradley @ABradleySLT
- #WeSpeechies Chat #70 on September 15 2015 Curator: John Pierce @JohnPierce85
- #WeSpeechies Chat #69 on September 8 2015 Curator: Andrea McQueen @aj_mcq
- #WeSpeechies Chat #68 on September 1 2015 Russell Cross @SpeechDudes
- #WeSpeechies Chat #67 on August 25 2015 Curator: Charlotte Forwood @talkinged19
- #WeSpeechies Chat #66 on August 18 2015 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #65 on August 11 2015 Curator: Pauline Ackermann @P_Ackermann | Storify
- #WeSpeechies Chat #64 on August 4 2015 Curator: Emily Cole @ecoleSLP
- #WeSpeechies Chat #63 on July 28 2015 Curator: Jackie McRae @daisy_project
- #WeSpeechies Chat #62 on July 21 2015 Curator: Oonagh Reilly: @OonaghReilly
- #WeSpeechies Chat #61 on July 14 2015 Curator: Rachael-Anne Knight: @r_a_knight
- #WeSpeechies Chat #60 on June 23 2015 Curator: Lauren Jones: @Lauren_SLT
- #WeSpeechies Chat #59 on June 16 2015 Curator: Sean Pert: @SeanPert
- #WeSpeechies Chat #58 on June 2 2015 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #57 on May 26 2015 Curator: Carol-Anne Murphy: @camisonup
- #WeSpeechies Chat #56 on May 19 2015 Curator: Andrea McQueen: @aj_mcq
- #WeSpeechies Chat #55 on May 12 2015 Curator: Clare Smith: @clarrysmith
- #WeSpeechies Chat #54 on May 5 2015 Curator: Belinda Hill: @TheraBees
- #WeSpeechies Chat #53 on April 28 2015 Curator: Kate Munro: @speechiekate
- #WeSpeechies Chat #52 on April 21 2015 Curator: Claire Hartley: @cljclh | Storify
- #WeSpeechies Chat #51 on April 14 2015 Curator: Caroline Bowen Tweeting as @TxChoices | Storify
- #WeSpeechies Chat #50 on April 7 2015 curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley | Storify: Debate
- #WeSpeechies Chat #49 on March 31 2015 Curator: Jill Bradshaw: @JillBradshaw13
- #WeSpeechies Chat #48 on March 24 2015 Curator: Mike Cannon: @Journals2025 and @ASHAJournals
- #WeSpeechies Chat #47 on March 17 2015 Curator: Dominique Lowenthal: @DomLowenthal | Storify
- #WeSpeechies Chat #46 on March 10 2015 Curator: Susan Ebbels: @SusanEbbels | Transcript
- #WeSpeechies Feb 22-28 2015 Curator: @SpeechPathAus (Gail Mulcair & Michael Kerrisk)
- #WeSpeechies Chat #45 on February 24 2015 Curator: @SpeechPathAus (Gail Mulcair & Michael Kerrisk)
- #WeSpeechies Chat #44 on February 17 2015 Curator: Nicola Botting: @NicolaBotting
- #WeSpeechies Chat #43 on February 10 2015 Curator: Madeline Cruice: @MadelineCruice
- #WeSpeechies Chat #42 on February 3 2015 Curators: Caroline Bowen and Bronwyn Hemsley
ANALYTICS and TRANSCRIPTS expire after 6 months
- #WeSpeechies Chat #41 on December 19 2014 Curators: Caroline Bowen & Bronwyn Hemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #40 on December 09 2014 Curator: Claire Hartley: @cljclh | STORIFY
- #WeSpeechies Chat #39 on December 02 2014 Curator: Joy Pénard: @joypenard
- #WeSpeechies Chat #38 on November 25 2014 Curator: Kelley Babcock: @KelleyBabcock
- #WeSpeechies Chat #37 on November 11 2014 Curator: Sarah Masso: @SarahMasso
- #WeSpeechies Chat #36 on November 04 2014 Curator: Kate Munro: @speechiekate
- #WeSpeechies Chat #35 on October 28 2014 Curator: Rachel Davenport: @rachyroo1972
- #WeSpeechies Chat #34 on October 21 2014 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #33 on October 14 2014 Curator: Olivia Hazelden: @OliviaSLP | Transcript
- #WeSpeechies Chat on #32 October 07 2014 Curator: Harmony Turnbull: @SP_Harmony | STORIFY
- #WeSpeechies Chat #31 on September 30 2014 Curator: Renena Joy: @SLPrj
- #WeSpeechies Chat #30 on September 23 2014 Curator: Megan Sutton: @TactusMegan
- #WeSpeechies Chat #29 on September 16 2014 Curator: Andrea McQueen: @aj_mcq
- #WeSpeechies Chat #28 on September 09 2014 Curator: John McCarthy: @sayitanywayyou)
- #WeSpeechies Chat #27 on September 02 2014 Curator: @AGOSCI: @AGOSCI (Emily Wailes)
- #WeSpeechies Chat #26 on August 26 2014 Curator: Dorothy Bishop: @deevybee
- #WeSpeechies Chat #25 (Encore) Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat on August #25 19 2014 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #24 on August 12 2014 Curator: Ariane Welch: @arianewelch
- #WeSpeechies Chat #23 on August 05 2014 Curator: Pam Snow: @PamelaSnow2
- #WeSpeechies Chat #22 on July 29 2014 Curator: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman
- #WeSpeechies Chat #21 from July 20 to 26 2014 (week-long) Curator: Susan Rvachew: @ProfRvach
- #WeSpeechies Chat #20 on July 15 2014 Curator: Joanie Scott: @SymphonyUK
- #WeSpeechies Chat #19 on July 8 2014 Curator: Melissa Brunner: @LissBEE_CPSP
- #WeSpeechies Chat #18 on July 01 2014 Curator: Jenya Iuzzini: @jenya_iuzzini
- #WeSpeechies Chat #17 on June 24 2014 Curator: Nancy Owens: @nancyjowens
- #WeSpeechies Chat #16 on June 17 2014 Curator: Nicole Whitworth: @NWhitworth1971
- #WeSpeechies Chat #15 on June 10 2014 Curator: Gail Bennell: @gailbennell
- #WeSpeechies Chat #14 on June 03 2014 Curator: Emily Wailes: @emilywailes
- #WeSpeechies Chat #13 on May 27 2014 Curator: Melissa Brunner: LissBEE_CPSP | STORIFY
- #WeSpeechies Chat #12: Tricia McCabe: @tricmc Curating, with @bronwynhemsley Moderating the Tuesday chat
- #WeSpeechies Chat #11 on May 20 2014: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman and Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley | Transcript
- #WeSpeechies Chat #10 on May 13 2014 Curator: Felicity Bright: @FlissBright
- #WeSpeechies Chat #9 on May 6 2014 Curator: Rachel Davenport: @rachyroo1972
- #WeSpeechies Chat #8 on April 29 2014 Admins Curating
- #WeSpeechies Chat #7 on April 22 2014 Curator: Avril Nicoll: @avrilnicoll
- #WeSpeechies Chat #6 on April 15 2014 Curator: Dorothy Bishop: @deevybee
- #WeSpeechies Chat #5 on April 8, 2014 Curator: Naomi MacBean Hartley: @MacNaomi
- #WeSpeechies Chat #4 Curator: Kate Munro: @SpeechieKate
- #WeSpeechies Chat #3 on March 25, 2014 Curator: Tom Sather: @TomSatherSLP
- #WeSpeechies Chat #2 on March 18, 2014 Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
- #WeSpeechies Chat #1 on March 11, 2014 Curator: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman
The @WeSpeechies RoCur handle is primarily for clinically oriented discussion and information sharing, with an emphasis on evidence based practice. Most of its followers are #SLPeeps and #SLP2Bs from around the world who are interested to connect and engage with each other.
Over time the @WeSpeechies handle and #WeSpeechies hashtag will be used to connect across related disciplines and with the general public, including clients and their families and advocacy groups, so that people everywhere will know a lot more about who we are and what we do as Speech-Language Pathologists / Speech and Language Therapists.
Advertising and endorsement
An informal survey of speech-language pathologists, by the @WeSpeechies founders in March 2014, revealed that many are critical of the way the #SLPeeps hashtag (’tag’) is sometimes used. This is because it is now a target for advertisers and spam tweeters. Companies and individuals promoting products (e.g., Apps, books, commercially oriented blogs, competitions, courses, hardware, materials, "offers" including trial offers and free 'redeem codes' in exchange for favourable reviews, software, and special deals of various kinds, tools and toys) Tweet repeatedly, using #SLPeeps. They do so in order to attract the attention of SLPs/SLTs (SEE TOP INFLUENCERS HERE and SEE ALL INFLUENCERS HERE). Unfortunately, this has reduced the usefulness and credibility of #SLPeeps for those seeking focused, relevant, SLP/SLT-oriented exchanges of information, and personal and professional interconnections, that are (1) evidence based and/or (2) theoretically sound, and (3) non-commercial.
1. Policy on advertisers' and vendors' use of the hashtag, #WeSpeechies
As its founders, Caroline Bowen (@speechwoman) and Bronwyn Hemsley (@BronwynHemsley) want #WeSpeechies to be different. So, the first time a follower, or other handle, tweets advertising material using the #WeSpeechies hashtag we tweet back to them asking them not to do so again, telling them they will be blocked if they do. We will offer further explanation, by directing the person to this page, at that point. If they repeat their action, they are blocked without further ado. As administrators of the @WeSpeechies handle we find this difficult to do at times, as we often know and respect the colleagues and advertisers/vendors concerned, and realise they may be tweeting about products and using #WeSpeechies unaware of the implications. However, we will enforce this policy as we are committed to keeping #WeSpeechies focused on its raison d’etre.
2. Policy on product endorsement and the use of @WeSpeechies and #WeSpeechies
We request colleagues and associates not to include the #WeSpeechies hashtag or the @WeSpeechies handle in product endorsement Tweets. If linking to App reviews, book reviews, materials reviews, and the like (authored by you or by someone else) please first ensure that the review is composed in balanced, professional terms and does not imply endorsement, or suggest therapeutic benefit (e.g., avoid statements such as, 'the best App ever for AAC', 'ideal for SLI intervention', 'no SLP should be without this App / book', 'perfect for clients with Aphasia', 'the go to clinic for Voice patients'), or a 'cure'. If you do, you will be asked not to do so again, and if your action is repeated your handle will be blocked forthwith by the @WeSpeechies administrators.
3. Policy on advertisers' and vendors' use of the handle, @WeSpeechies
Advertisers and vendors may, of course mention and tweet to the @WeSpeechies handle. Furthermore we love to engage, connect and discuss topics of mutual interest via our handle (not our hashtag, mind) with our 'suppliers' - those who produce and sell the Apps, books, equipment, journals, materials, technology and so forth that are indispensable to us at work. But, just repeating, we ask you to please keep the discussions 'non-commercial' and keep the #WeSpeechies hashtag advertisement-free.
Bishop Blog: WeSpeechies: A meeting point on Twitter
2017 Calendar
Available weeks are listed in red. Please let @speechwoman and @bronwynhemsley know via Direct Message (DM in Twitter) or by email if you are interested in taking a turn in the role of Curator. When you do, provide your email address, a working title for your topic, your time zone, and nominate the week you prefer. CHECKLIST
Information about selecting and requesting articles, and other readings, for discussion during your week is HERE.
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
November 26 - December 2 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
November 19 - November 25 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
November 12 - November 18
@WeSpeechies Curator: Holly Storkel @hstorkel | Bio
Topic: Considering the impacts of word characteristics on language learning:
‘word frequency’, ‘neighbourhood density’, and ‘phonotactic probability’
#WeSpeechies Chat #129 Tues 14 November, 2017 1:00 pm CST (US Central Standard Time)
Time Zone: Central Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
November 5 - November 11 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
October 29 - November 4 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Speech Pathology Australia @SpeechPathAus | About
Gaenor Dixon and Michael Kerrisk Tweeting
Topic: Championing literacy through the Speech Pathology Australia ‘Book of the Year Awards’
#WeSpeechies Chat #128 Tues 31 October, 2017 7:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Topic description and chat questions| Readings| YOUR TIME ZONE
October 22 - October 27 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Tom Sather @TomSatherSLP | Bio
Topic: Using Twitter to Connect New Aphasia Clinicians: Acute Care, Rehabilitation, and Beyond
#WeSpeechies Chat #127 Tues 24 October, 2017 8:00pm CDT (US Central Daylight Time)
Topic description and chat questions
October 15 - October 21 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @SarahJWallace | Bio
Topic: Aphasia outcomes: What to measure and how to measure it
#WeSpeechies Chat #126 Tues 17 October, 2017 8:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Topic description and chat questions
October 8 - October 14 2017
@WeSpeechies Curators: @BronwynHemsley | and @HazelRoddam1 | Bios
Topic: Using Twitter to help close the research-to-knowledge-to-practice gap in SLP/SLT worldwide: @WeSpeechies and #ResNetSLT join forces
#WeSpeechies Chat #125 Tues 10 October, 2017 10:00am - 11:00am BST (British Summer Time)
Topic description and chat questions
October 1 - October 7 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Joanne (Jo) Watson @JoWat | Bio
Topic: Acknowledging, interpreting, and acting on preference expression for informal communicators
#WeSpeechies Chat # ... postponed
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
September 24 - September 30 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
September 17 - September 23 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Courtenay Norbury @lilacCourt
Topic: Developmental Language Disorder: #DevLangDis
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Topic description and chat questions
September 10 - September 16 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
September 3 - September 9 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
August 27 - September 2 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: @
#WeSpeechies Chat #
Time Zone: xxx | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
August 20 - August 26 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley | Bio
Topic: Communication Access and Raising Awareness
#WeSpeechies Chat #123 August 22 2017 8:00pm - 9:00pm British Summer Time BST
Topic description and chat questions
August 13 - August 19 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Suze Leitão @SuzeFreogirl | Bio
Topic: The craft and science of report writing: Meeting the needs of diverse readers
#WeSpeechies Chat #122 Tuesday 15 August 2017 3:00pm - 4:00pm AWST
Time Zone: Australian Western Stabdard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
August 6 - August 12 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Charlotte Forwood @Talking Ed19 | Bio
Topic: Navigating transitions: Focusing on adolescents and young adults
#WeSpeechies Chat #121 August 8, 8:00-9:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST
Topic description and chat questions
July 30 - August 5 2017
No curator
July 23 - July 29 2017
No curator
July 16 - July 22 2017
No curator
July 9 - July 15
@WeSpeechies Curator: Tim Kittel @TimothyKittel | Bio
Topic: Measurement in SLP/SLT
#WeSpeechies Chat #120 11 July 2017 6:30-7:30 ACST
Time Zone: Australian Central Standard Time ACST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
July 2 to July 8 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Stephen Parsons @WordAware | Bio
Topic: Teachers and SLTs/SLPs working together to Understand, Promote, and Support Children with Developmental Language Disorder
#WeSpeechies Chat #119 Tuesday 4 July, 2017, 9:00pm BST
Time Zone: British Summer Time BST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
June 25 - July 1 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Tracie Lindblad @MonarchHouseON | Bio
Building Effective Collaborative Relationships among Parents, SLPs/SLTs, and Applied Behaviour Analysts: Working Together for Optimal Client Outcomes
#WeSpeechies Chat #118 Monday 26 June, 2017, 8:00pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time EDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
June 18 - June 24
No curator
June 11 - 17 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Susan Rvachew @ProfRvach | Bio
Topic: Co-Occurrence of Developmental Phonological Disorders with Developmental Language Disorder
#WeSpeechies Chat #117 Tuesday 13 June, 2017, 7:00pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time)
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time EDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
@WeSpeechies Curators: @PamelaSnow2 & @SpeechWoman as @TxChoices | Bio
Topic: Pseudoscience and SLP/SLT practice: Choosing clinical and classroom interventions with parents and teachers of children with developmental disorders
#WeSpeechies Chat #116, Tuesday 6 June, 2017, 8:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Topic description and chat questions| Readings| YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
May 28 - June 3 2017
No curator
May 21 - 27 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: David Kinnane @SpeechBloke | Bio
Topic: Legal and compliance challenges for SLPs/SLTs in private/independent practice (and how to manage them!)
#WeSpeechies Chat #115 Tuesday 9 May 2017, 8:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
May 14 - May 20 2017
Topic postponed
May 7 - 13 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Melissa Brunner @LissBEE_CPSP | Bio
Topic: Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and Traumatic Brain Injury: Getting organised in SLP/SLT
#WeSpeechies Chat #114 Tuesday 9 May 2017, 8:00pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
April 30 - May 6 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Holly Shapiro @RaviniaReading | Bio
Topic: The Evidence is in the Language: Morphology Driven Reading Instruction
#WeSpeechies Chat #113 Monday 1 May 2017, 9:00pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Time Zone: Central Daylight Time CDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
April 23 - April 29 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Susan Ebbels @SusanEbbels | Bio
Topic: Carrying out intervention research in SLP/SLT practice
#WeSpeechies Chat #112 with @SusanEbbels Tuesday 25 April 2017 9:00pm BST
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
April 16 - April 22 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Louise Coigley @lisntell | Bio
Topic: Storytelling in SLP/SLT - Where art and science meet
#WeSpeechies Chat #111 with @lisntell Tuesday 18 April 2017 9:00am BST
Topic description and chat questions
April 9 - 13 2017
No curator
April 2 - April 8 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc | Bio
Topic: Speech Pathologists working in inclusive education settings
#WeSpeechies Chat #110
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
March 26 - April 1 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Stacie Attrill @SAttSpeech | Bio
Topic: Positive learning in the SLP/SLT workplace: Students, clinicians, and clinical educators
#WeSpeechies Chat #109, Tuesday 28 March 2017, 7:00pm ACDT
Time Zone: Australian Central Daylight Time ACDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
March 19 - March 25 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Augmentative and Alternative Communication @AACjourn | About
Topic: Exploring how editors and authors in SLP/SLT can work together to disseminate and translate research evidence for the public: AAC as a case example
#WeSpeechies Chat #108, Tuesday 21 March 2017, 8:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
March 12 - March 18 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Dorothy Bishop @Deevybee | Bio
Topic: How can we raise the profile of developmental language disorders?
#WeSpeechies Chat #107 Tuesday 14 March 2017, 8:30pm GMT
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time GMT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
March 5 - March 11 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Thizbe Wenger @ThizbeW | Bio
Topic: Use of new technologies to support SLP/SLT practice: Behind the scenes, in the clinic, home, and school
#WeSpeechies Chat #106 Tuesday 7 March 2017, 8:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions | Readings
February 26 - March 4 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Jo Steel @DrJoSteel | Bio
Topic: Cognitive Communication and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Adults
#WeSpeechies Chat #105 Tuesday 28 February 2017, 8:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
February 19 - February 25 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Emma McLaughlin @EmmaMcSLP | Bio | Emma talks about "discharge"
Topic: Managing service and discharge for adults with chronic communication impairment
#WeSpeechies Chat #104 Tuesday 21 February 2017, 7:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
February 12 - February 18 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Tricia McCabe @TricMc | Bio
Topic: Childhood Apraxia of Speech
#WeSpeechies Chat #103 Tuesday 14 February 2017, 8:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
February 5 - February 10 2017
@WeSpeechies Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley | Bio
Topic: Crowdsourcing for knowledge translation and citizen science in SLP/SLT: Where do we start?
#WeSpeechies Chat #102 Tuesday 7 February 2017, 8:00pm AEDT
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT | YOUR TIME ZONE
Topic description and chat questions
2016 Calendar
December 4 - 10 2016
Topic: The @WeSpeechies Year in Review, and Planning for 2017
November 27 - December 3 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #101 with Louise Coigley
Date: Tuesday 22 November 2016
Time: 9:00am GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Louise Coigley @lisntell (November 20 - November 26 2016)
Topic: Rumble in the Jungle: Joys and challenges of parenting a child with speech, language and communication needs
November 13 - 19 2016
No curator
November 6 - 12 2016
No curator
October 30 - November 5 2016
No curator
October 23 - 29 2016
No curator
October 16 -22 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #100 with Tim Kittel
Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016
Time: 8:30pm ACDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Central Daylight Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Tim Kittel @TimothyKittel (October 9 - October 15 2016)
Topic: Memes and themes in representations of SLP/SLT in the mainstream, social, and imagined future media: Get the picture

#WeSpeechies Chat #99 with Carol-Anne Murphy
Date: Tuesday 20 September 2016
Time: 9:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Carol-Anne Murphy @camisonup (September 18 - September 24)
Topic: Theories of ‘language learning impairment and therapy’: How are they reflected in SLP/SLT interventions?
September 11 - 17 2016
No curator
September 4 - 10 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #98 with Nancy Owens
Date: Tuesday 30 August 2016
Time: 7:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Nancy Owens @NancyJOwens (August 28 - September 3)
Topic: "Peer Review” vs. "Reader Review"? How do you make informed decisions about healthcare and educational literature?

#WeSpeechies Chat #97 with Belinda Hill
Date: Tuesday 23 August 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Belinda Hill @TheraBees (August 21 - August 27)
Topic: SLPs/SLTs in private/independent practice: Challenges, opportunities and aspirations.
Is the journey taking us where we want to go?
August 14 - 20 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #96 with Chyrisse Heine
Date: Tuesday 9 August 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Chyrisse Heine @Chyrisse_Heine (August 7 - August 13)
Topic: The SLP/SLT roadmap: Past, present and future!

#WeSpeechies Chat #95 with Catriona Steele
Date: Tuesday 2 August 2016
Time: 3:00pm EDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (Toronto Ontario Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Catriona Steele @SwallowRehab (July 31 - August 6)
Topic: Dysphagia diets

#WeSpeechies Chat #94 with John McCarthy
Date: Tuesday 26 July 2016
Time: 8:00pm EDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (Athens Ohio Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: John McCarthy @sayitanywayou (July 24 - July 30)
Topic: The arts and communication: Implications for SLPs/SLTs worldwide
July 17 - 23 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #93 with Haley Tancredi
Date: Tuesday 12 July 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Haley Tancredi @HaleyTanc (July 10 - July 16)
Topic: Empowering children and young people with communication difficulty to be central voices in their collaborative teams
July 3 - 9 2016
No curator
June 26 - July 2 2016
No curator

#WeSpeechies Chat #92 with Abigail Lewis
Date: Tuesday 21 June 2016
Time: 2:30pm AWST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Time Zone: Australian Western Standard Time (Perth WA Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Abigail Lewis @AbigailVLewis (June 19 - June 25)
Topic: Building an ePortfolio in SLP/SLT:
A reflection on the process and strategies for your professional learning

#WeSpeechies Chat #91 with Suze Leitão
Date: Tuesday 14 June 2016
Time: 4:00pm AWST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Western Standard Time (Perth WA Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Suze Leitão @Suze_Freogirl (June 12 - June 18)
Topic: Ethics in professional and clinical practice

#WeSpeechies Chat #90 with Madeline Cruice
Date: Tuesday 7 June 2016
Time: 9:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time (London, UK Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Madeline Cruice @MadelineCruice (June 5 - June 11)
Topic: Making a meaningful difference in SLP/SLT services for adults:
Aphasia as a case example
May 29 - June 4 2016
No curator
May 22 - 28 2016
but had to cancel at short notice
May 15 - 21 2016
No curator.

#WeSpeechies Chat #89 with Felicity Bright
Date: Tuesday 10 May 2016
Time: 9:00pm NZST for 1 hour
Time Zone: New Zealand Standard Time (Auckland NZ Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Felicity Bright @FlissBright (May 8 - May 14)
Topic: Hope: Its relevance for speech and language therapy

#WeSpeechies Chat #88 with Rachael-Anne Knight
Date: Tuesday 3 May 2016
Time: 8:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time (London, UK Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Rachael-Anne Knight @r_a_knight (May 1 - May 6)
Topic: Research training for SLP/SLT students:
Growing research capacity to strengthen our profession
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #87 with Lucy Nicoll
Date: Tuesday 26 April 2016
Time: 8:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time (London, UK Time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Lucy Nicoll @LucyNicoll1 (April 24 - April 30)
Topic: Figuring it out: SLPs/SLTs targeting figurative language skills in children and adolescents with language learning impairment: #LLI_
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #86 with Lisa Archibald
Date: Monday 18 April 2016
Time: 8:00pm EDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (London, Ontario time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Lisa Archibald @larchiba6 (April 16 - April 22)
Topic: SLPs/SLTs collaborating with teachers on #LLI_ and language goals in the classroom: Evidence and implementation
The topic description and chat questions are here
April 10 - 16 2016
No curator.
April 3 - 9 2016
No curator.
March 27 - April 2 2016
No curator.

March 20 - 26
Your voice; your story, @WeSpeechies?
March 20 - 26
Topic: Privilege: What it is, and implications for SLP/SLTs worldwide postponed, new date to be advised

#WeSpeechies Chat #85 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 15 March 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley (March 13 - March 9)
Topic: #WeSpeechies and the global conversation about speech-language pathology:
Implications of the 10 year Twitter anniversary for clinical, research, and policy impact.

#WeSpeechies Chat #84 with Alexander O'Sullivan
Date: Tuesday 8 March 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Alexander O'Sullivan @os_alexo (March 6 - March 12) BLOG
Professionalism and Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy

#WeSpeechies Chat #83 with Charlotte Forwood
Date: Tuesday 1 March 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Charlotte Forwood @talkinged19 (February 28 - March 5)
Topic: Teachers and SLPs/SLTs collaborating to support older school students’ language for academic tasks

#WeSpeechies Chat #82 with Nathaniel Swain
Date: Tuesday 23 February 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Nathaniel Swain @NathanielRSwain (February 21 - February 27)
Topic: What do we mean by “higher order language skills”, and is this term useful?

#WeSpeechies Chat #81 with Melanie Gibson
Date: Tuesday 16 February 2016
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Melanie Gibson @Speech_Blossoms (February 14 - February 20)
Topic: Using Social Media as an #SLP2b/#SLT2b: Perspectives of a new graduate #SLP

#WeSpeechies Chat #80 with Gaenor Dixon
Date: Tuesday 9 February 2016
Time: 7:30pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Gaenor Dixon @SPAPresident (February 7 - February 13)
Topic: What’s your vision? Speech Language Pathology/Therapy from now to 2030! #SP2030
2015 Calendar

#WeSpeechies Chat 79 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 8 December 2015
Time: 7:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curators: Bronwyn Hemsley and Caroline Bowen (December 8-12)
Topic: Quo vadis, #WeSpeechies?

November 29 - December 8
We're Riding and Writing
The @WeSpeechies Admins, Bronwyn Hemsley and Caroline Bowen will have their minds and energies on other things until December 8. Bronwyn is taking a short, well-earned holiday and is participating in the RACV Great Victorian Bike Ride from Ballarat to Bendigo. Meanwhile, one-time @WeSpeechies RoCur, Pam Snow (from Bendigo) is getting together with Caroline in the Blue Mountains to work on their forthcoming book, Making Sense of Interventions for Children's Developmental Difficulties. Expect random Tweets throughout the week on goldfields, camping, bike riding, wineries and beautiful Australian scenery (tagged #GreatVic); and collaboration, research, writing, writer's block, pseudoscientific interventions, and as Pam would say, scientific flapdoodle (tagged #WritingOurBook). #WeSpeechies' advice, information, encouragement and general spurring on, from around the world, is welcome, Cheers!
Our Time Zone: Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curators: Caroline Bowen and Bronwyn Hemsley

#WeSpeechies Chat #78 with Melanie Gibson
Date: Tuesday 24 November 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curators: Bronwyn Hemsley, Caroline Bowen and Melanie Gibson (November 22-28)
Topic ‘SLP2B/SLT2B Job Ready Interview Ready’ skills

#WeSpeechies Chat #77 with Chris Lightfoot
Date: Tuesday 17 November 2015
Time: 8:00pm PST for 1 hour
Time Zone: PST (Vancouver) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Chris E Lightfoot @ChrisELightfoot (November 15 - November 21)
Topic: SLP/SLT as Serious Leisure Perspective: Second Careers in Speech-Language Pathology

November 8 - November 14: No #WeSpeechies chat Tuesday 10 November
This week's curators: Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley and Caroline Bowen @SpeechWoman (November 8 - November 14)
Chat: No chat this week, but rather a week-long exploration of the:
Topic: Volunteering to curate the @WeSpeechies handle for a week in 2016

#WeSpeechies Chat #76 with Tom Sather
Date: Tuesday 3 November 2015
Time: 8:00pm CST for 1 hour
Time Zone: US CST (Chicago, Dallas, Kingston, Lima, Winnipeg time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Thomas W Sather @TomSatherSLP (November 1 - November 7) BLOG
Topic: SLP/SLT service delivery in non-traditional environments

#WeSpeechies Chat #75 with David Kinnane
Date: Tuesday 27 October 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: David Kinnane @speechbloke(October 25 – October 31)
Topic: Consumer protections and speech pathology services: Are we doing the right things at the right times?

#WeSpeechies Chat #74 with Joy Penard
Date: Tuesday 20 October 2015
Time: 9:00pm CEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Central European Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This weeks's curator: @JoyPenard (October 18 - 24)
Topic: Multilingualism in the 21st Century: Implications for Speech-Language Pathologists
October 11 - October 17: No #WeSpeechies chat Tuesday 13 October

#WeSpeechies Chat #73 with Emma McLaughlin
Date: Tuesday 6 October 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Emma McLaughlin @EmmaMcLTU (October 4 - 10)
Topic: Dysphagia intervention for adults with acquired conditions - who, what, when, how and why?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #72 with Megan Panatier
Date: Tuesday 29 September 2015
Time: 6:00pm PDT for one hour
Time Zone: Pacific Daylight Time (Los Angeles, Vancouver) (YOUR TIME ZONE)
Curator: Megan Panatier @meganpanatier (September 27 - October 3)
Topic: Online Personal Learning Networks (PLN) in speech language pathology: What's in it for me, and for us as a community?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #71 with Adrian Bradley
Date: Tuesday 22 September 2015
Time: 9:30pm IST/BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Irish Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Adrian Bradley @ABradleySLT (September 20 - 26)
Topic: Men in speech language therapy/pathology: Addressing the Gender imbalance positively
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #70 with John Pierce
Date: Tuesday 15 September 2015
Time: 8.00 pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: John Pierce @JohnPierce85 (September 13-19)
Topic: Parkinson’s disease: Speech, swallowing and secretions
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #69 with Andrea McQueen
Date: Tuesday 8 September 2015
Time: 8.00 pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Andrea McQueen @aj_mcq (September 6-12)
Topic: Funding supports for people who use AAC/AugComm: An exploration of what is ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ in the light of ‘equity’ and communication needs
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #68 with Russell Cross
Date: Tuesday 1 September 2015
Time: 5:00pm EDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Russell Cross @SpeechDudes (August 30 – September 5)
Topic: Speech Therapist? Speech-Language Therapist? Speech-Language Pathologist? What do we call ourselves and how does that affect what others think we do?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #67 with Charlotte Forwood
Date: Tuesday 25 August 2015
Time: 8.00 pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Charlotte Forwood @talkinged19 (August 23-29, Speech Pathology Week in Australia)
Topic: Literacy assessment and intervention with adolescents in the school setting
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #66 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 18 August 2015
Time: 08:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (August 16 – August 22)
Topic: Social Media and Communication Disability: Implications for Speech Language Professionals
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #65 with Pauline Ackermann
Date: Tuesday 11 August 2015
Time: 08:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Pauline Ackermann @P_Ackermann (August 9 – August 15)
Topic: The challenge and promise of ICT - Exploring the impact on the tasks and roles of SLPs/SLTs
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #64 with Emily Cole
Date: Tuesday 4 August 2015
Time: 7:00am EST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Emily Cole @ecoleSLP (August 2-8)
Topic: Schools-Based SLPs and working with children with complex needs
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #63 with Jackie McRae
Date: Tuesday 28 July 2015
Time: 9:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Jackie McRae @daisy_project (July 26 – August 1)
Topic: Critical Care Management in SLP/SLT: Trache/Vent, Dysphagia, Communication and Oral Care
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #62 with Oonagh Reilly
Date: Tuesday 21 July 2015
Time: 1:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Oonagh Reilly: @OonaghReilly (July 19 - July 25)
Topic: Creating a Safe Simulated (SIM) Learning Environment for SLT/SLP students
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #61 with Rachael-Anne Knight
Date: Tuesday 14 July 2015
Time: 9:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Rachael-Anne Knight: @r_a_knight (July 12 - July 18)
Topic: Prosody in Clinical Practice
The topic description and chat questions are here
July 5 - July 11: No #WeSpeechies chat Tuesday 7 July
June 28 - July 4: No #WeSpeechies chat Tuesday 30 June

#WeSpeechies Chat #60 with Lauren Jones
Date: Tuesday 23 June 2015
Time: 9:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Lauren Jones: @Lauren_SLT (June 21 - June 27)
Topic: The role of SLPs/SLTs in mental capacity assessment for adults
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #59 with Sean Pert
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2015
Time: 9:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Sean Pert: @SeanPert (June 14 - June 20)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Treatment intensity and the impact on client outcomes: How do #WeSpeechies manage?
The topic description and chat questions are here

No #WeSpeechies Chat this week
This week's curators: Administrators: Caroline Bowen @speechwoman & Bronwyn Hemsley @BronwynHemsley (June 7 - June 13)
There is a selection of the Open Access articles we found, here under June 7-13.
Topic: Finding and sharing open access & free access journal articles to support EBP

#WeSpeechies Chat #58 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 2 June 2015
Time: 6:00pm AWST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Western Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (June 1 - June 5)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: #WeSpeechies in Transit: Distance and Proximity in SLP/SLT
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #57 with Carol-Anne Murphy
Date: Tuesday 26 May 2015
Time: 9:00pm IST/BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Irish Summer Time / British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Carol-Anne Murphy: @camisonup (May 24 - May 30)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Improving Children’s Comprehension of Spoken Language in the Context of a Weak Evidence Base
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #56 with Andrea McQueen
Date: Tuesday 19 May 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEST (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney time) for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Andrea McQueen: @aj_mcq (May 17 - May 20)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Collaborative Teams of All Types: Implementing Team Models in Speech-Language Pathology / Speech and Language Therapy Services
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #55 with Clare Smith
Date: Tuesday 12 May 2015
Time: 8:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Clare Smith: @clarrysmith (May 10 - May 16)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Screen time and child development: Exploring the impact of audiovisual and interactive screens from all angles
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #54 with Belinda Hill
Date: Tuesday 5 May 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEST (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney time) for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Belinda Hill: @TheraBees (May 3 - May 9)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Building a private practice: Strategies for creating an ethical, sustainable and progressive balance in a speech pathology service
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #53 with Kate Munro
Date: Tuesday 28 April 2015
Time: 8:00pm ACST (Adelaide time) for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Central Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Kate Munro: @speechiekate (April 26 - May 2)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Parents as Very Important Partners (VIPs): How can we work together to optimise outcomes?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #52 with Claire Hartley
Date: Tuesday 21 April 2015
Time: 11:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Claire Hartley: @cljclh (April 19 - April 25)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and Storify
Topic: Simulation as a Learning and Teaching Tool in SLT/SLP Education
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #51 with @TxChoices
Date: Tuesday 14 April 2015
Time: 6:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Caroline Bowen Tweeting as @TxChoices: @TxChoices (April 12 - April 18)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and Storify
Topic: Making Sense of Interventions for Children’s Developmental Difficulties
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #50 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 7 April 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (April 5 - April 11)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
DEBATE: Storify
Topic: Tweeting, listening, lurking, and learning on Twitter: The warp and weft of Twitter
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #49 with Jill Bradshaw
Date: Tuesday 31 March 2015
Time: 8:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Jill Bradshaw: @JillBradshaw13 (March 29 - April 4)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics for the #WeSpeechies Chat on March 31 2015 (08:00-09:00pm BST) | Transcript
Topic: Making great services for people with learning disability/intellectual disability
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #48 with Mike Cannon
Date: Tuesday 24 March 2015
Time: 8:00pm EDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Mike Cannon: @Journals2025 and @ASHAJournals (March 22-28)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Increasing access to SLP/SLT peer reviewed literature for improved research translation: A concerted community effort
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #47 with Dominique Lowenthal
Date: Tuesday 17 March 2015
Time: 8:00pm GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Dominique Lowenthal: @DomLowenthal (March 15-21) READ MORE
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and Storify
Topic: Innovation and change: How can Continuing Professional Development (CPD) be made more accessible for SLPs/SLTs?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #46 with Susan Ebbels
Date: Tuesday 10 March 2015
Time: 9:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Susan Ebbels: @SusanEbbels (March 8-14)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Research to practice and schoolchildren with language difficulties
The topic description and chat questions are here
@WeSpeechies 1st Anniversary week March 1-7 2015 - informal 'chat' all week long!

#WeSpeechies Chat #45 with Speech Pathology Australia
Date: Tuesday 24 February 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Melbourne | Canberra time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Speech Pathology Australia: @SpeechPathAus (Gail Mulcair & Michael Kerrisk: February 22-28)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
THE WEEK: Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Strategic planning: objectives, deliverables and future directions
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #44 with Nicola Botting
Date: Tuesday 17 February 2015
Time: 8:00pm GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (UK time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Nicola Botting: @NicolaBotting (February 15-21)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Publishing YOUR research in an academic journal
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #43 with Madeline Cruice
Date: Tuesday 10 February 2015
Time: 8:00pm GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (UK time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Madeline Cruice: @MadelineCruice (February 8-14)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Stories with Aphasia
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #42 with Caroline Bowen and Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 3 February 2015
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney, Australia time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curators: Administrators - Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman and Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (February 1-7)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: How #WeSpeechies can tell the world who we are and what we do
The topic description and chat questions are here
2014 Calendar

#WeSpeechies Chat #41 with @WeSpeechies
Date: Friday 19 December 2014
Time: 7:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney, Australia time)| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curators: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman & Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (December 14-19)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: What are you SUPPOSED to be doing?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #40 with Claire Hartley
Date: Tuesday 9 December 2014
Time: 8:00pm GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (London time)| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Claire Hartley: @cljclh (December 07 - 13)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and STORIFY
Topic: Simulation in Speech-Language Pathology/Speech & Language Therapy clinical education
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #39 with Joy Pénard
Date: Tuesday 2 December 2014
Time: 8:00pm GMT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (London time)| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Joy Pénard: @joypenard (November 30 - December 06)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Clinical practice with multilingual clients and their families
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #38 with Kelley Babcock
Date: Tuesday 25 November 2014
Time: 8:00pm CST for 1 hour
Time Zone: US Central Standard Time (Nashville time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Kelley Babcock: @KelleyBabcock (November 23 - November 29)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Putting the focus on Education and Training in Dysphagia
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #37 with Sarah Masso
Date: Tuesday 11 November 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney, Australia time)| YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Sarah Masso: @SarahMasso (November 09 - November 15)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Translating research into practice, and practice into research
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #36 with Kate Munro
Date: Tuesday 04 November 2014
Time: 8:00pm ACDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Central Daylight Time (Adelaide, South Australia time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Kate Munro: @speechiekate (November 02 - November 08)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Mentoring, and people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #35 with Rachel Davenport
Date: Tuesday 28 October 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Rachel Davenport: @rachyroo1972 (October 26 - November 01)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: SLP/SLT Clinical Education
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #34 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 21 October 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
This week's curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (October 19-25)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Developing and administering a 'RoCur'
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #33 with Olivia Hazelden
Date: Tuesday 14 October 2014
Time: 6:00pm US Eastern Daylight Time for one hour
Time Zone: US Eastern Daylight Time (Boston | Toronto time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Olivia Hazelden: @OliviaSLP (October 12 - October 18)
Topic: Use of social media from student to professional: Balancing work and social lives on Twitter, YouTube and Websites | BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Use of social media from student to professional: Balancing work and social lives online
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #32 with Harmony Turnbull
Date: Tuesday 07 October 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney time) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Harmony Turnbull: @SP_Harmony (October 05 - October 11)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and STORIFY
Topic: SLP/SLT Terminology, and Plain English in Practice
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #31 with Renena Joy
Date: Tuesday 30 September 2014
Time: 9:30pm ADT for one hour
Time Zone: Atlantic Daylight Time (Halifax time) ( | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Renena Joy: @SLPrj (September 28 - October 4)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Working with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder in school settings
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #30 with Megan Sutton
Date: Tuesday 23 September 2014
Time: 6:30pm PDT for one hour
Time Zone: Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, Vancouver) ( | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Megan Sutton: @TactusMegan (September 21 - 27)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Using Apps in Speech-Language Pathology
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #29 with Andrea McQueen
Date: Tuesday 16 September
Time: 8:00 - 900pm AEST
Time Zone: 8:00-9:00pm AEST | 12:00-1:00pm SAST | 6:00pm-7:00pm KL, Singapore | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Andrea McQueen: @aj_mcq (September 14-20)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Enhancing communication-for-participation for people with intellectual disabilities

#WeSpeechies Chat #28 with John McCarthy
Date: Tuesday 09 September
Time: 10:00 - 11:00pm EDT
Time Zone: 10:00-11:00pm Eastern Daylight Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: John McCarthy: @sayitanywayyou September 7-13
John McCarthy's Blog: Say it Any Way
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Twitter in (and out of) the lecture hall
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #27 with AGOSCI / Emily Wailes
Date: Tuesday 02 September
Time: 8:00 - 900pm AEST
Time Zone: 8:00-9:00pm AEST | 12:00-1:00pm SAST | 6:00pm-7:00pm KL, Singapore | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: @AGOSCI: @AGOSCI (Emily Wailes August 31 - September 6)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: AAC systems & tools: Barriers to & facilitators for ongoing, effective assessment & management
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #26 with Dorothy Bishop
Date: Tuesday 26 August 2014
Time: 8:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE (For the sums-challenged: 8am Tu BST = 5pm Tu AEST)
This week's curator: Dorothy Bishop: @deevybee (August 24 - August 30) BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Is Specific Language Impairment a useful category?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #25 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 19 August
Time: (1) 6:30-7:30am AEST and (2) 8:00 - 900pm AEST
Time Zones: (1) 6:30-7:30am AEST | 9:30-10:30pm BST | 8:30-9:30am NZST
Time Zones: (2) 8:00-9:00pm AEST | 12:00-1:00pm SAST | 6:00pm-7:00pm KL, Singapore
Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
ENCORE CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: What is social media's role in supporting countries to establish AAC communities of practice & research?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #24 with Ariane Welch
Date: Tuesday 12 August 2014
Time: 7:00pm PDT for one hour
Time Zone: Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, Vancouver) ( | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Ariane Welch: @arianewelch (August 10 - 16)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Taking your SLP/SLT credentials abroad to work as an SLP/SLT
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #23 with Pam Snow
Date: Tuesday 05 August 2014
Time: 6:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Bendigo, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Pam Snow: @PamelaSnow2 (August 03 - 09)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Oral language competence in children and young people: Early beginnings, transition to school, literacy, and the law in the ICP2014 year.
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #22 with Caroline Bowen
Date: Tuesday 29 July 2014
Time: 8:00pm SAST for one hour
Time Zone: South African Standard Time (Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman (July 27- August 2)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Controversial Practices in SLP/SLT
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #21 with Susan Rvachew
Date: Tuesday 22 July 2014
Time: 8:00pm EDT for one hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (Atlanta, Boston, Columbus, La Paz, Montreal, San Juan, Santiago) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Susan Rvachew: @ProfRvach (July 20-26) Susan's BLOG
THE WEEK: Symplur Analytics from July 20 to 26 and Transcript
Topic: Wait Times Benchmarks for Speech-Language and Hearing Services
The topic description and chat questions are here

#We Speechies Chat #20 with Joanie Scott
Date: Tuesday 15 July 2014
Time: 8:00pm BST for one hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Joanie Scott: @SymphonyUK (July 13-19)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: People with Aphasia and their Families and Friends

#WeSpeechies Chat #19 with Melissa Brunner
Date: Tuesday 08 July 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Melissa Brunner: @LissBEE_CPSP (July 06-12)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Looking for evidence and using Evidence Based Practice
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #18 with Jenya Iuzzini
Date: Tuesday 01 July 2014
Time: 8:00pm EDT for one hour
Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (Atlanta, Boston, Columbus, La Paz, Maiami, San Juan, Santiago) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Jenya Iuzzini: @jenya_iuzzini (June 29 - July 05)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Diagnosis and treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #17 with Nancy Owens
Date: Tuesday 24 June 2014
Time: 9:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Nancy Owens: @nancyjowens (June 22-28)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Communicating evidence clearly and effectively to inform healthcare decisions
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #16 with Nicole Whitworth
Date: Tuesday 17 June 2014
Time: 8:00pm BST for one hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Nicole Whitworth: @NWhitworth1971 (June 15-21)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Teaching Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics to SLT Students in Preparation for Clinical Practice
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #15 with Gail Bennell
Date: Tuesday 10 June 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Gail Bennell: @gailbennell (June 08-14) BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Using video in clinical settings, and video blogging
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #14 with Emily Wailes
Date: Tuesday 03 June 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Emily Wailes: @emilywailes (June 01-07)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Communication support for people with intellectual disability who have challenging behaviour
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #13 with Melissa Brunner
Date: Tuesday 27 May 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Melissa Brunner: LissBEE_CPSP (May 25-31) Melissa's Blog
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript and STORIFY
Topic: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #12 with Bronwyn Hemsley moderating & Tricia McCabe curating
Date: Tuesday 20 May 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Tricia McCabe: @tricmc curating, with @bronwynhemsley moderating the Tuesday chat.
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Conference Tweeting: Why are #WeSpeechies so keen?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #11 with Felicity Bright
Date: Tuesday 13 May 2014
Time: 9:00pm NZT for one hour
Time Zone: New Zealand Time (Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington) | YOUR TIME ZONE
Curator: Felicity Bright: @FlissBright
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Patient-provider communication
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #10 with Caroline Bowen and Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 06 May 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time
Curators: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman and Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Words, words and more words: Untangling our terminology
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #9 with Rachel Davenport
Date: Tuesday 29 April 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEST for one hour
Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time
Curator: Rachel Davenport: @rachyroo1972 BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Work-life balance and the doctoral journey
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #8 with Bronwyn [^bh] and Caroline [^cb]
@WeSpeechies Special Event April 27 2014
Date: Sunday 27 April 2014
Time: 7:30pm AEST
Time Zone: AEST
Topic: #CuriousCurator

#WeSpeechies Chat #7 with Avril Nicoll
Date: Tuesday 22 April 2014
Time: 8:00pm BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time
Curator: Avril Nicoll: @avrilnicoll (April 20 - April 26) BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Making a change in your practice – what does it take?
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #6 with Dorothy Bishop
Date: Tuesday 15 April 2014
Time: 8:00am BST for 1 hour
Time Zone: British Summer Time
Curator: Dorothy Bishop: @deevybee (April 13 - April 19) BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Apprehensive Academics on Twitter
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #5 with Naomi MacBean Hartley
Date: Tuesday 08 April 2014
Time: 8:00pm CST for 1 hour
Time Zone: US Central Time (Chicago, Kingston, Lima, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Winnipeg time)
Curator: Naomi MacBean Hartley: @MacNaomi (April 6 - April 12)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics
Topic: Voice
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #4 with Kathleen Munro
Date: Tuesday 01 April 2014
Time: 8:00pm ACDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: Australian Central Daylight Time (Adelaide South Australia Time)
Curator: Kate Munro: @SpeechieKate (March 30 - April 5)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Lurking and Tweeting
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #3 with Tom Sather
Date: Tuesday 25 March 2014
Time: 8:00pm CST for 1 hour
Time Zone: US CST (Chicago, Dallas, Kingston, Lima, Winnipeg time)
Curator: Tom Sather: @TomSatherSLP (March 23-29) BLOG
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Aphasia
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #2 with Bronwyn Hemsley
Date: Tuesday 18 March 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time)
Curator: Bronwyn Hemsley: @BronwynHemsley (March 16-22) FACULTY PAGE
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Speech-Language Pathology/Speech and Language Therapy e-health solutions
The topic description and chat questions are here

#WeSpeechies Chat #1 with Caroline Bowen
Date: Tuesday 11 March 2014
Time: 8:00pm AEDT for 1 hour
Time Zone: ACT, NSW, TAS, VIC (Canberra, Sydney, Hobart, Melbourne time)
Curator: Caroline Bowen: @speechwoman (March 9-15)
CHAT: Symplur Analytics and Transcript
Topic: Engaging in Twitter; demystifying the experience
The topic description and chat questions are here