Welcome to the home page of Dr Caroline Bowen's www.speech-language-therapy.com
Since 1998 www.speech-language-therapy.com has provided information and resources to Speech-Language Pathologists / Speech and Language Therapists, students, and consumers of SLP/SLT services worldwide. The content reflects the professional, clinical and teaching activities and small body of research (ORCiD) of the site owner, Caroline Bowen. She retired from clinical practice in 2011, maintaining her interests in presenting CPD and writing about children's speech sound disorders (2023 book). She is also interested in developmental language disorder, the role of families in intervention, and evidence-based practice vs. pseudoscience (2017 book).
Bowen, C. (2023). Children's Speech Sound Disorders, 3rd ed., Wiley-Blackwell. UK | AU | Amazon
The site's intended audience is families and others close to children with voice, speech, language, literacy, and fluency difficulties, and people working in the field of communication sciences and disorders. Its mission is to provide useful, theoretically sound, and where possible evidence-based information about the assessment and treatment of human communication disorders. The site is made possible through the kindness of donors. All pages are listed in the site map. Please read the policy on questions from SLPs/SLTs on child speech assessment and intervention. Colleagues everywhere are welcome to join the private Facebook group E3BPforSSD for professional discussion of speech development and disorders.
https://bsky.app/profile/carolinebowen.bsky.social | @carolinebowen.bsky.social
X @speechwoman
Facebook EBP for SSD (International Speech Sound Disorders discussion for SLPs/SLTs)